Access to education is a fundamental human right that empowers the individual and provides the basis for poverty alleviation through the pursuit of formal qualifications. Access to energy in the education system limits a school’s potential to provide state of the art technology-based learning such as computer labs. To operate, sustain and develop a model for duplication, enterprise-based initiatives underpin their scalability. It is to this end that the 3E initiative has been developed to pilot a model comprising of Energy, Education and Enterprise based on a renewable energy powered computer lab that forms the basis of a local social enterprise incubator.
Working in partnership with Kinetic NRG (London) and Camara Education (Dublin and Tanzania) the 3E pilot programme will see the deployment of zero-carbon based energy hubs incorporating an e-learning centre and a battery rental based energy enterprise. This will result in the offsetting of fossil fuel generation and kerosene lighting systems.