From our very beginning in 2014, Dayse’s focus has been to make an impact on people across the world. Initially from Ireland to Africa, and now to Palestine. With a big help from our friends at Glas, we have developed an idea to send some light to the Palestinian refugee camps. Literally the LIGHT!
On Friday the 16th of August 2024 we officially announced our new project; Power for Palestine. The idea is quite simple. By combining the solar energy expertise from Glas and our dedication to social contribution, we were able to create the SOLAR AID PACK. This is a foldable set of solar panels that are water and dust proof, can be easily placed in a backpack, with a 30000maH power bank and LED light. It can provide power for any 5v device such as mobile phone, torch, radio or laptop. We intend to send these SOLAR AID PACKS to Palestinian refugee camps. Originally started with 10 sets but now after many generous donations made at our Electric Picnic at our Solar phone charging Trailer in Global Green we have been able to grow this number significantly with the hope of sending many more! To all those who have made this possible we want to say: Go raibh maith agat, Shukran, Merci, Danke, Gracias, Dziekujemy, Thank You !